If you dream of deserted beaches, funds of colorful reefs, rich and generous nature, mixing of cultures and music, instead of concreted beaches, casinos and artificial frenzy ... then Puerto Viejo is for you! Here you will find the conditions to enjoy natural live ...
Known for its exceptional biodiversity and wild nature, Costa Rica is one of the favourite destinations for ecotourists
The province of Talamanca in the south Caribbean has remained particularly wild (the opposite is true on the west coast) with tropical rain forests, the reservations of the indigenous Bri-bri tribe, it’s rivers and astonishing waterfalls, dream-beaches with coral reefs more beautiful than
any aquarium…
On this coast, between Limòn (a little port city) and Manzanillo (a very small “rasta”village) there is Puerto Viejo: a remarkably hospitable village, typical of the region.
The blue conga hotel, just outside the centre of Puerto Viejo, is ideally placed and just a stones throw from everything you should do and everywhere you will want to visit. In surroundings of comfort and serenity, you will find nothing to envy of the expensive luxury and lodgings of the surrounding area
The province of Talamanca in the south Caribbean has remained particularly wild (the opposite is true on the west coast) with tropical rain forests, the reservations of the indigenous Bri-bri tribe, it’s rivers and astonishing waterfalls, dream-beaches with coral reefs more beautiful than
any aquarium…
On this coast, between Limòn (a little port city) and Manzanillo (a very small “rasta”village) there is Puerto Viejo: a remarkably hospitable village, typical of the region.
The blue conga hotel, just outside the centre of Puerto Viejo, is ideally placed and just a stones throw from everything you should do and everywhere you will want to visit. In surroundings of comfort and serenity, you will find nothing to envy of the expensive luxury and lodgings of the surrounding area